Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lots of sleep= A great day.....Who knew?

A good friend is there when you do something stupid, a GREAT friend brings a camera ~SOme card i read

So i've managed to get a cold in the summer?! What kind of crap is this? So yesterday I went home fron work early and slept on my couch while watching criminal minds(can I just tell you that Dr. Reid is my favorite tv character? He's just so cute and you just want to give him a hug or something). Then I attempted to bake something because i needed to do something with a purpose, so i made pumpkin cookies cause I didnt have eggs or milk(dont worry I made sure to wash my hands before cooking). They were good but not great, which as all my cooking does, reflected my mood. So i chatted with my roommates for a bit and went to bed.

This morning I didn't wake up to two of my alarms, my roommate thought I was dead (but she didn't get out of bed or anything....should I be worried?) Then I finally woke up on my own was in a great mood, I'm not sure why but today was just a good mood day, I went to work, found out that this Senior Vice President is coming to tour the store in 2 days so i have to do a rushed cleaning of my department, but i was just excited to have something to do.

Then there's the other thing I've been working on in my head. This year I made a goal(well actually i made 100 goals but thats not the point) to meet someone i admired but didnt know. So everytime i find some cool person I keep saying i'm going to write them a fan letter because i've never done that before and because that somehow in my mind lets me cross off that goal. SO I started watching criminal minds, and found out how AWESOME the guy who plays Reid is, he's an artist, and he's hilarious. He has this website that is the funniest thing ever, its http://gublerland.com you have got to check it out.(*I just need to say for the record, this is not creepy stalkerness, I just think he's cool.*) So i decided i'd write him a fan letter, .........tomorrow, and now i keep thinking about what to write i mean i'm not 15, i'm not in love with him,(well not that much anyway) and I'm not interested in having his children so i dont fit into the categories i would place most fan letters in. So it'll be a lot of blah blah blah......i feel so stupid writing this and such. I figure I might as well write it and get it over with, and then enjoy the completion of a goal...well sort of.

So after work I got home and quoted/renacted quotes from my best friend and I's favorite movie, What Happens in Vegas, which in my opinion is one of the funniest movies ever, however I think that only She and I love it like that. If you havent seen it you need to watch it asap, it will change your life. .....well probably not, but it'll definitly make you laugh.
Thats about all I've got to tell you today, I'll work on a good rant or story for next time.


Monday, June 7, 2010

To tell the truth is revolutionary.

-Antonio Gramsci

So I've been watching criminal minds a lot lately, and I love that they start and end each episode with a quote, so that is how i want to start writing my blog entries. Which lets face it will probably not be often considering it's been about a year since my last entry if not longer, good thing my followers are some of the main characters in the comedy that is my life.

I chose this quote about telling the truth because lately I've been thinking about the fact that in our society it is almost expected at times that we lie. Take the classic question "do these jeans make me look fat?" Who actually wants to hear the answer to that? And if your asking you already know the answer. Why ask someone to lie to you? put on a different pair of pants!

Then there are those that have learned to lie to themselves for so long that they can't tell the difference between fact and fiction. We lie to our selves to be happy in circumstances that we know are bad for us. Why do we choose comfort so often over working towards the things in life that will make us truly happy. I've had a great life, but for so long I've chose comfort over work. Now When most of my friends are starting their careers and I've only recently decided what i want to go to school for and started to save money. Why did I put it off for so long?
I was content with life, I knew I could be happier, getting more out of life and growing up...so to speak, but my life wasn't and isn't bad. Just not complete, but when and how do we know our life is complete? I just want my life to be fulfilling not just contentful(which I realize is not a word but you know what i mean).

OK so new topic. I can only be deep for about 3 paragraphs and then i get bored. Life is fun, and content or not there is so much joy in this world being serious for too long is just a waste of time. So I want to talk about the AWESOMELY GREAT things that have happened in my life.

Ok, so first of all, I have the best parents anyone could ask for, my dad is hilarious and fun but not without a stern side. My mom is beautiful,sweet, kind and even though there are 6 kids in our family, she keeps tabs on all of us(which is hard with me because i've never been much of a sharer on emotional things) and they both have loved us all so much that i dont think any of us could ever say we didn't have a great life.

Then I have my siblings and brother in law who are all amazing in their own way. I love them so much and I wouldn't be who i am without them.

I have a neice and a nephew, my neice is only about a month old but i love her so much and my nephew is about 4 but he is one of my favorite people in this world. He can make me smile no matter what the circumstances are.

Then I have 2 of the best best friends I could ask for. One is one of my two roomates(the other is my sister) And she and I have been best friends for years and even though we're completely different people we're always there for eachother. She's awesome. Then my other best friend and I have been friends since I was in Jr.high (although I dont know if i've ever told him he was one of my best friends but i think he's got a pretty good idea) He's an awesome guy who worked so hard to get to where he is in life and i respect him so much for everything he's done.

I have always had the greatest friends anyone could ask for. I'm alittle...well lets call it eccentric cause i feel like weird has a bad sound to it. And they're so fun and eccentric in there own way too. I guess we're just a group of people who choose to enjoy life rather than worry about assimilating into soceity completely. They are so awesome.

I have something to believe in and I know it's true.It's as simple as that. Religion is a really big part of my life and I love that my heavenly father loves me enough to have helped my family in so many ways.

I love my life, and everyone in it.

Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope.
- Tom Head

That's what I'm pondering,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Deep Thoughts....with Janelle Simpson

Ok so lately i've had some things on my mind that i've just had to put up for discussion. So here it goes;
1. Emoticons, good or bad?- While I can be mildly irritated by excessive use of emoticons, I really think that they're great tools, who doesn't enjoy a little smiley face at the end of a message? They work great for flirting through text! And i can't help but love the animated faces on gmail and face book chat, but when someone does some weird sideways face that you have to tilt you head at and stare for 2 minutes to figure out what emotions they're trying to get at, its just not worth it. So here's my concise opinion (that no one asked for) When texting and flirting its ok to send a smily face at the end of a message, it makes the person recieving th text smile, however when messaging or texting only use animated or emoticons that are easily understood, no one wants to spend time trying to figure your face out.

2.Text and messaging abreviations- ok so when your friend says something funny but not laugh out laough out loud funny, but not snicker funny, what do you text? And does it make a difference how many times you type/text hahaha? does that tell the other person the intensity of the laughter? Also whats the deal with brb and ttyl? I use them but would it really be that hard to just say o i have to go do something, or say good bye? Would anyone really be upset if you didn't use an abbrevitation? And when did we get so lazy?
let me know what you think.

3.And lastly this one is my personal pet peeve, because i have alot of close guy friends, but what is up with adult males calling their girl-friends bud and kiddo? I'm neither your drinking/ sports game buddy, neither am I your 5 year old niece! I'm cool with nick names and being called by my actual name, but I AM A WOMAN! Don't call me little girls nicknames, it bugs me. but what can you do.
Thats all for today, thanks for reading! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tips Night

1. If you ever have t be somewhere and need a good excuse to get out of it, just go to the website www.getmooh.com and fill in the info and it'll call you with a recording giving you an excuse.
2.berry juice stains on your fingers can be removed with lemon juice or nail polish remover
3.White toothpaste can clean tarnished jewelery.
4. dipping old shoe laces in nail polish rebonds the ends
5. wiping your scratched cd's with white toothpaste and water fills scratches.
6. for a fun date fill one side of the toy container in a kindersuprise egg with baking soda and the other with vinegar and put toilet paper between the 2 and watch it explode.
7. witch hazel gets rid of razor burn
8. after you shower rinse your hair with cold water, it controls frizz.
9. washing your hands with stanless steel removes garlic and onion smells.
10.windex takes stains out of carpet
11. to stop blisters put vasiline on your feet
12. leaving the pit in left over avacado keeps it fresher longer
13. vinigar takes sunburns away.
14. coke cleans toilet bowl stains
...there are more but thats all i'm putting on. enjoy and let me know if you have more.
Alright, I've done it! I finally started a blog, for reasons I still don't understand. But I talk alot so I guess I'll have enought to say. Not that many people are going to read this though cause really I don't plan on telling many people about this, but we'll see. I guess it can help me with my lack of Journaling skills. I'll see how long this lasts. :) Anyway i want to tell you about my life so let's begin.

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.-- George Moore
So this week has been a little busy with concerts, dinners, sleepovers, and color night. So to start, I went to dinner with an old friend the other day and it was great to see her and just spend time together. Then we watched Chuck, which if you haven't seen you need to look into it. It is in my opinion the best show on television right now. All in all not a bad start to the week. Then on tuesday night I went to a concert at the Starlight Room, Wintersleep and An Horse played, they were both really cool. It was my first non-country concert, so it was a new experience and I enjoyed it. Plus it helped all of us to forget about life for a while which is always nice. Then on wednesday I went with Ashleigh to enrichment, it was really fun we learned alot of random money and time saving tips. And we signed up for yoga, watched twighlight and had a sleepover at my apartment with my little sister. Busy, but fun. I'll write some of the tips at the end of this so you can see what i mean by random. Then Thurday was simply shopping and laundry at the parents. I got alot done and saved money, that's great in my books! Then Friday, by this time I was exhausted, and frankly a little grumpy, I had to spend the day at work alone and wouldn't you know it no one comes in that day. So I had no desire to go to color night (an awards/end of semester dinner and dance) but once I got there dancing was the greatest thing in the world, I love being a a crowd of people and not having anyone watching you so you can dance around like an idiot. It was GREAT! Then I had to drive my friend Jesse home to Fort Saskatchewan from Edmonton, it was a long drive, but actually alot of fun, we have similar views on the whole city vs. country thing so it was nice, and when I'm tired I have a tendency to talk about random things so it must have been an interesting late night drive for him.
Then on Saturday I went to Strathmore with my family for my 2nd cousins' joint anniversary. It was a lot of fun, my cousins from winnipeg came up for it and my cousins that live in southeren alberta were all there too and they know how to party, it was a blast two stepping ((or in my case we'll have to refer to it as an attempt) all night, my cousin Lance is probably the greatest guy to two step with, cause he litterally just twirls yoiu around the floor and you don't need to worry about following cause you dont get a choice! It was alot of fun, but it made me a little sad that we don't have more family functions like this cause it really helped me to slow down and relax which was exactly what i needed. Especially because when i got home last night it all started back up again. And I missed all of general conference, so this week I am making time to do everything especially watching conference and going to bed early......we'll see how that goes.